Just leave it, Boss-up and Woosah!
I have resigned to the fact and have accepted the idea that I am raising the next Andy Warhol, Pablo Picasso or someone comparable. I was headed out the door to pick up my pre school boys from school and I get a phone call from one of my instructors saying he is running late to one of our sites. I had to immediately stop everything to resolve the situation as this is one of my largest contracts currently.
So, as I’m putting on my Rocking MommyPreneur hat and scurrying to put out the fire, I happen to look up and my 1 year old was drawing intensely as if she is Andy Warhol with an orange crayon all over my wall. Are you kidding me? Oh well, the work fire was put out, but meanwhile we had to leave the artwork on the wall. I had to pick up the boys so that I wasn’t late to the drop off and pick up line which tends to be a nightmare.
Just leave it and move on has become my motto for the past several years. As a former perfectionist this was a long journey to arrive at. But, as a mom of 3, wife and small business owner that’s the only way to have a woosaw moment and quite frankly not go crazy. Trust me without your woosaw moments times are rough.
Check out these tips to help you woosah…
*Design your daily schedule and try to stick to it.
*Start out slow with daily mompreneur work. Make it a few days at a time during the week rather than every day. This way it eases up mommy guilt, expectations are not that high and if it doesn’t get done this week, oh well leave it. As there is always next week.
*Commit to the amount of weekly time you a lot. For instance, I am committed to working 3 days weekly. Now don’t get me wrong, I have to be on call throughout each work day, but I am able to be my best visionary and mom yet with my allotted schedule.
So when Andy Warhol, aka my 1 year old shows up ready to color away, sometimes I just have to leave it. Or if my instructor has a mess up, I just handle it. Why you may ask, because I don’t sweat the small stuff, I have a woosah moment, lower my expectations for being a perfectionist and I Boss-up.