Completing your work list in under 20 minutes!
Are you kidding me right now? I’m at my studio living my best life yet. I just wrapped up a staff meeting and everyone is energized. Yayy #teamjustrock! The musicians are having a jam session and meanwhile I’m in my office in a zone putting together my plans for the next few months. All of a sudden my husband reaches out to let me know he is going to be working late. Which means I now have to stop working, and head home to relieve the babysitter who’s watching my 1,3 and 5 year old.
This becomes the story of your life when you are a mom and entrepreneur. You are in the middle of living your best life for all of a few minutes and then you have to stop for the unexpected. Luckily, I have mastered the art of multitasking. It’s crazy how much you can get done on your less than 20 minute car ride on the way home and here is how I do it.
Check out these following tips on how to productively utilize your car ride home….
Take advantage of your drive home…
Instead of listening to the radio to keep my thinking cap going I am usually listening to TD Jakes, Oprah Winfrey or takeaways from other mompreneurs. This not only helps to me to continue to stay in the work zone for those few minutes but also prep for home. I don’t know about you but after leaving my job, when I return home that to is a job. It can be bananas if you are not in the right zone for it
Take advantage of redlights…
Juggling 3 kids tend to make you a pretty efficient self-proclaimed multitasker. That said, I typically use red lights to return work emails and text messages. It may not seem like much time can be used during a less than 20 minute car ride but believe me tons can be done. Take advantage of that time because typically when you get home you will continue to put off assignments and your workload will continue to build.
Happy Mommy Happy Family
By completing these tasks in the car I am able to come in to my house, toys all over the floor and all and dedicate all of my time to my kids. I am able to prep them for bath and story time, wash dishes and prepare clothes and lunches for the morning hustle and bustle to school.
Inspite of life’s curve balls, I am still able to have downtime for a bit because I do firmly believe in practicing task and time management. There is ironically a lot which can be done on a less than 20 minute car ride home from work. Take advantage of that.