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Finding my food pantry...

My grandma once told me somedays during the early years of motherhood she used to go into the food pantry, kneel down on the floor and cry while the chaos of the 7 kids she had existed on the other side of the door. Yes, she had 7 kids and was also a mompreneur in 1950s New Orleans, LA. My grandfather was a truckdriver with his own trucking company so there were countless weeks, nights and days she had to solo parent all while still running a business.

A say all of this because it is the reinforcement that I use and tell myself when I get so exhausted and caught up in how overwhelming life is with a 5, 3 and 1 year old living in the heart of Washington, DC. Unfortunately, there is no food pantry to shut the door to amongst all of the chaos. There are literally no hiding places for me. So, as I type this blog , I can see out of my peripheral view that my boys are fighting over who is going to fix my one year old's broken barbie doll laying on the kitchen floor. Out of the 100's of toys on the floor why they choose to fight over that toy I will never know. I have resigned to the fact that I do not speak pre school.

I am so tired, burned out and in serious need of personal grooming. My eyes totally reveal how drained I am. But I still struggle with should I erase this message or keep typing it. I mean, sure I have my best buds that I share my weekly ups and downs with but am I allowed to post this to the masses.

The truth is I feel like I have so much I need to work on for my rocking mommypreneur brand that I am currently trying to build and each time God plants a seed in my heart or an idea in my mind it takes forever to actualize it because I am dealing with mommy, work and wife duties.

I wrote a book last year outlining how I was able to start my music lesson company without capital, the traditional background to do so and network of people. Now, I find myself trying to figure out how to run a growing business while working on a new purpose and managing a family.

Time Management is a true must and while I am not able to work around 8am because I am getting 3 kids ready for school, I really need to get a new regiment and find my go to debrief crying space my grandma referenced. I feel like my brain shuts down and I am unproductive after 8pm...but yet I still can stay up til midnight scrolling through instagram, catching up on dramas and trash tv. I am determined to take this next week to test out a new time for me to have my productive me time moments. I mean seriously, how did these incredible legends of our past do it and get it right? What are some of your time management hacks? Where are your go to places when you are in the middle of chaos with your household?

In the meantime, until I find it, I will think of my grandma hiding in her food pantry, her raising 7 kids while running a real estate company and I will choose to smile and bossup! Just when you think you have it bad trust me, their is always someone who can top your story. Ladies, let's find our food pantry and boss up.

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